The Other Side

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And Peter…

It’s been a while since I have posted, but I couldn’t stay silent for too long.

Black History Month 2024 in the UK has passed and the theme of ‘reclaiming narratives’ gave an opportunity for many voices, perspectives and lives to share their narrative and reframe it so that their story can be heard in way that may not had been heard before.

For me, October was a tough month. Challenging spiritually and mentally as life has been quite stressful with personal and professional circumstances which I must admit, challenged me greatly! 😫

However, I wanted to share an insight that God permitted me to see, understand and that I found comforting.

First, let me ask you - have you ever felt as though you had messed up so big that there was no way back? Repeated mistakes time after time after time? Forged ahead only to take a massive slide down the snake, like on a snakes and ladders board?

Well, I have.

Yet, in my excruciating circumstances, God showed me this story, but with a new insight and understanding.

The precursor to the story can be found in Mark 14:72 ‘A second time the rooster crowed. Then Peter called to mind the word that Jesus had said to him, “Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny Me three times.” And when he thought about it, he wept.’ This well-known account found in the Gospel of Mark tells us that Jesus’ predictions about Peter was borne out; much to Peter’s anguish. He did deny Jesus as Jesus foretold that he would which caused Peter, after pondering it, to weep. Why? Peter became broken at this point as he fully realised that his understanding and zeal that he had as a follower of Jesus eroded by being identified as a follower of Jesus at the crucial time when it would have been dangerous to be associated with Jesus.

This weeping was no ordinary tears, but soul-wracking sobs which broke down all of Peter’s character, pierced his soul and ransacked his heart. Peter would never be the same again.

That must have been a very dark time for Peter in which he thought that he had done the unthinkable, the unforgivable, which must have made him feel incredibly guilty, ashamed and isolated.

However, as we all know, Jesus was crucified - laid down his life for the human race so that we may have the hope of salvation and the gift of eternal life, but He rose on the third day. Praise God!

When the women came to visit the tomb where He had laid, they were met, unbeknownst to them, by angel, who told them in Mark 16:7 ‘“But go, tell His disciples—and Peter—that He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him, as He said to you.”’

Why mention Peter specifically by name? These are my thoughts. Peter was mentioned specifically by name to let Peter know, when he received that message, that he was forgiven and loved, still.

Can you imagine the incredible joy in Peter’s heart when he realised that the same Jesus that he had denied, was not denying him; on the contrary. He loved him, purposed him and used him mightily for His kingdom. Such love, grace and mercy!

As it was with Peter, so it is with us. We who have messed up and made mistakes, will be forgiven, loved and shown grace and mercy. All we need to do is be willing to be broken like Peter was and live for Christ as he did thereafter.

There is so much hope in those two words - “… -and Peter…", hope that can make an aching heart be soothed, can dry the tears and can make a soul salved.

As this insight into this passage of Scripture is helping me, I pray that it will help you also.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Until next time.

Love & Blessings
