Are You Stealing Tomorrow's Experiences and Blessings From Today?

Just a couple of days before the end of the month and I had an experience which I just had to share.

It is the time of year when the Year 11-year group leave the school amidst the exam season. As an educator,  I don’t quite get used to saying goodbye to the outgoing students: the tears, words of encouragement, the signing of the school shirt are all rites of passage that only the Year 11 student (in the UK) will pass through as they bid farewell to their teachers who have cajoled, cautioned and challenged them (gently) over the years to be and to do their best.

That day, came for me, on Friday. However, surprisingly, a Year 10 student thought that he would get in on the action and arrived at my class with his shirt signed. Laughingly, he informed me that he wanted to see if he could get his shirt signed by some of the Year 11s that would be leaving and as they wouldn’t be around next year, he thought it would be good to have them sign it now.

 Reflecting on what he said, I quickly responded with, “Don’t steal tomorrow’s experiences from today.” As I uttered the words, I knew that I would be writing about this experience. 

The scenario, just mentioned, reminds me of when we project into the future so much and act as though we are already there, we can miss out and even lose out on blessings. Both in the present, but also in the future.

 A case in point is how a narcissist will ‘future fake with a person in their life and orbit.

A classic example is you meet someone and after they have successfully love-bombed you in a very short space of time, they start telling you how they can see themselves married to you and that you are their spouse. Calling you ‘wifey’ which leads you to take on a wifely role when you have no ring on your finger. You reason that you will become this person’s wife one day so that it is okay for you to take on wifely responsibilities - be it emotional, physical or financial.

 Ultimately, you end up stealing tomorrow’s experiences and blessings from today. Don’t fall for the trap!

Just as my student will now never experience the unique, unparalleled and distinctive occasion of having his shirt signed in Year 11 as he went ahead of time and did it in Year 10, so you will never experience the blessings that are reserved for you tomorrow as you have already had them today.

God tells us to wait on Him and part of doing that is to trust Him and not what man tells us. We are reminded in Scripture (Matthew 7:15 -16 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits.” Also, we are told in Lamentations 3:26 ‘It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.’

Let us wait for the Lord to work in our lives and not seek to run before Him. Just as unripe fruit is bitter to the taste, so are unripe experiences bitter to the life. As this month is drawing to a close, let us remember to wait and not rush, tarry and not haste knowing that in God’s perfect timing, He who knows the end from the beginning, He who spans past, present and future can and will escort you, like a true Gentleman, into your future that He has already planned for you as according to Jeremiah 29: 11 “ For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” If we would only believe.

As we countdown to World Narcissist Abuse Awareness Day WNAAD June 1st 2023, prepare your mind, heart and soul to go on a healing journey. Make sure you go to our store and purchase your own copy of the newly updated 10-Step Narcissist Abuse Recovery Guide. It is time for you to go to the other side where your healing awaits!

Until next time.

Love & Blessings



“You are Mine!” Man’s jealousy vs Godly jealousy


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